The Industry Forum is a key event for our industry as it allows an exchange of ideas and information on the latest innovations and markets from every perspective. The active & intelligent packaging technologies are moving so rapidly and there is so much interest from end users, it is vital we create a forum for proper discussion. In particular we need to address the rapid expansion of technologies helping to increase sales in the retail environment, the extension of shelf-life and condition indicators as well as anti-counterfeiting and security solutions.
The major theme of the congress will be 'Packaging Technology as the new Marketing Tool'.
This event, at the famous Rathaussaal in the old city of Nurenberg, will be the place where the industry will discuss the next steps on how to commercialize active & intelligent packaging technologies. It's all about money; how to turn new technologies into marketing tools. Learn how combining every aspect of the supply chain and focussing on consumer needs will make new packaging technologies affordable and even profitable!
Blue Chip companies and AIPIA members will explain the developments and share their view on commercial applications. Time enough to discuss and ask questions.
This meeting is a must-go if you want to be prepared for the future in packaging technologies.